Od jakiegoś czasu miałam ochotę namalować witrażowe róże :) No i są. Malowane również z myśla o mojej mamie, która róże uwielbia i hoduje. Jedna z tych kartek poleci do niej na imieniny w październiku. Jak co roku, różanej tradycji stanie się zadość :)
Fotki również ogrodowe :) Uwielbiam cień witraża na papierze. Dobrze, ze ostatecznie zdecydowałam się na biały papier. Pierwotnie, kartki miały być czarne.
Hello again. Another photo load to share with you. This time it's a series of 5 stained glass cards with roses, which I worked on till the small hours two days ago. Back to my card making roots. Sort of. The wheel has turned full circle. I started my card making marathon by doing this type of glass painted cards. I like them. They are so me. They are different, unique and luckily not made by many :D
I have been wanting to paint those stained glass roses for weeks. And so here they are! They have been painted with the consideration for my mum who loves and grows roses. One of these cards will be sent to her for her nameday in October to keep with tradition.
The photos were taken in the garden in the nice sunshine :) I love the stained glass efect on the paper, don't you? Glad I used the white cardstock. Originally, it meant to be black.