What is this blog about?

This blog is my escape from a boring everyday reality into a wonderfully colourful and fabulous world of vitrail glass.
It's all about my biggest passion - glass painting, which I started in 2008.
Here you will find all my painted glass works - Click
Please, feel free to leave a comment. Thanks :)

Moje malowane prace w całości - TU

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Deszczu, idź już sobie! / Rain, rain go away!

Ale fajne lato, he he, nic tylko pada i pada :-/ Ale nie ma tego złego co by na dobre nie wyszło :) Wiec siedzę sobie w domu i wykańczam pozaczynane prace. Po dłuższej nieco przerwie własnie ukończyłam i poskładałam w całość serie trzech obrazków, ktore sa przeznaczone na prywatną wymiankę. Tematyka morska, oczywiście moja ulubiona :)

Nice summer, isn't it? It keeps raining on and on in the UK but every cloud has a silver lining, doesn't it? So I'm staying in and finishing off my works. After a little longer break I've just finished and put up the all the 3 marine pictures. They are a forum gift swap and I hope that the receiver will like it. Theme: marine creatures, just as I like it.